
Staniel Air Services

Staniel air services for the people that ask us questions about flying to Staniel Cay all the time. See our local guides answers below. Staniel Air Travel and Hotel’s are accessible by boat, regularly scheduled flights, charter airplanes and private planes. For scheduled flights and charter services, Staniel Cay Adventures recommends Makers Air. The island […]

Travel to Staniel Cay

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Important Details For The Savvy Traveller. Effective May 1st, fully vaccinated individuals traveling into the Bahamas will be exempt from a RT-PCR COVID-19 test. Proof of full vaccination will be required. Fully vaccinated persons must have passed the two (2) week immunity time period.   If an individual is not fully vaccinated, […]

Scuba Dive with Staniel Cay Adventures

Scuba Dive with Staniel Cay Adventures

Explore the beautiful waters while scuba diving around Exuma, Bahamas. Staniel Cay Adventures is located on Staniel Cay, approximately 75 miles south of Nassau and 250 miles southeast of Florida. The island is less than 2 square miles and is home to about 80 full-time residents. As a boutique Exuma scuba diving experience, we cater […]

Staniel Cay: Lunch or Brunch in Paradise

Staniel Cay: Lunch or Brunch in Paradise

Join the Staniel Cay Yacht Club and Staniel Cay Adventures For Brunch or Lunch in Paradise On Staniel Cay we think we are the reason for Instagram. With sapphire-blue water everywhere, The Exumas are an exotic collection of dream destinations. Footprint-free beaches for your private brunch or lunch, ultra exclusive resorts and islands fit for […]